The Best Imported South African Chocolates Just Got Cheaper & Easier to Get

As far as candy and sweet treats go, the South African market has some pretty decent stuff available, but the cream-of-the-crop is the chocolate variety in SA.

If you’re a little bored of what you’re going to find in your local supermarket, and craving a little South African flair, you’re in luck! Treats from Home allows you to send all kinds of impressive goodies, from the best chocolate, candy, confectionery, cereal, and salty snack brands in the world.

Whether you’re into candy snacks or every chocolate-laced product known to man, we’ve got something to satisfy your sweet tooth. We’ve even got dedicated chocolate boxes (if that’s more up your alley), giving you a bundle of the best products SA has to offer – some of the best we’ve listed below!

Cadbury Dairy Milk Bubble

Cadbury already makes (arguably) the world’s best chocolate slabs, so why not make it even better by adding bubbles and making it chunkier? Cadbury Bubble has become a favourite for South Africans, and is the perfect companion for a night in or a little treat after dinner with friends.

5 Star

The newest chocolate on the block, but a fast-favourite of South Africans is Cadbury’s 5 Star. This bar features chocolate, caramel, and nougat, and is perfect for those who love the longer-lasting chewy multi-textured experience.


Cadbury’s iconic Crunchie needs no introduction at this point, and the honeycomb-packed chocolate is a taste and experience that can’t help remind you of a South African childhood.

Their full range from Treats From Home is nostalgic and proudly South African, and to know that you can get them to your door with ease is extremely comforting. So, if you’re bored with your average snacks and cereals and need something new to test out have a look at Treats From Home’s massive range of products and you’re sure to find something soothing South African goodness for your tastebuds.